Shooting Stars
Xolani Sikunana
Lukhanyo Samson
Dare2Dream Programme
Ayanda Nombelwu
Dare2Dream Programme
Jacobus 'Trompie' Claassen
Performer & Instructor
Masizakhe Kovi
Dare2Dream Programme
Craig Nyakapanga
Dare2Dream Programme
Craig Nyakapanga
Craig Nyakapanga is 25 years old and joined the D2D programme in 2021, at the prompting of a friend who recognised his capabilities. He faced difficulties in convincing his parents to allow him to pursue circus training, but eventually won them over. He lives in Samorah Machel, so safe, reliable transport to attend training was also a challenge.
Craig is a promising acrobat and is finding his niche as a base, in hand-to-hand exercises, and as part of a duo aerial straps act. He is very disciplined, and believes that his commitment and hard work will ensure his reward in the future. His efforts were rewarded with the Most Improved Student Award for 2022, which he received at the Zip Zap AGM in 2023. He is currently in the Vocational Year of study in the D2D programme, and is working hard at refining his technical and artistic skills. He was also selected to participate in virtual, real-time masterclasses focussing on clowning, facilitated by international circus performer, Co-director of Circus Harlekin in Freiburg, Germany and Zip Zap alumnus, José Do Rego.
Craig thrives at Zip Zap, and he likes that the environment allows him to be himself. His best memory was being able to perform in the Zip Zap production, Journey Beyond, in his first year of having joined and his first time on stage! Thus far he has also performed in Zip Zap productions Slapstick (May and August 2022) and VOOMA! (May, June and December 2023). He has also been able to showcase his creativity and act creation abilities through 6 iterations of D2D artistic evaluations.
Craig has forged strong relationships while he has been at Zip Zap, and he singles out fellow-students, Zalton and Ayanda, as especially close friends. He has identified fellow-student, Masizakhe, as a role-model. He is respected among peers and instructors alike, and can be relied on to always strive to deliver his best. He is inspired by the possibilities available through Zip Zap Circus, and he is excited about sharing what he has learned with participants in other programmes.
Craig dreams of being a professional hand-to-hand performer, and he hopes that Zip Zap will be well-known worldwide!
Jacobus Claassen
Things were tough at home – money was scarce and domestic violence pervasive – so around the age of 10, Jacobus decided to rather live on the streets. Handouts dried up as he grew older and he started using drugs as an escape. A chance meeting with a good Samaritan led him to a shelter in Salt River. He was able to go to school and sleep with a roof over his head for the first time in years. At the shelter children are given the opportunity to be part of Zip Zap’s 2nd Chance programme, which helps vulnerable youngsters develop their talents.
‘Trompie’ as he’s affectionately known, chose the circus and he’s never looked back. He matriculated in 2011 and after cycling through the programmes he became a full-time performer.
He now uses his craft to share his story on stage.
Trompie has flourished as a performer and excelled at circus disciplines. He’s performed around the world and was also the main character in a Canadian documentary ‘First Man’ for 5 months. He performs unicycle, juggling, hand-to hand, Cyr wheel, and is a talented acrobat. His sense of fun, comedy and his quirky character makes him an endearing audience favourite!
“You make your own choices in life. You can choose to stay on the streets forever or you can decide to step out of that life.”
– Trompie
Xolani Sikunana
Xolani is 24 years old and lives in Du Noon. In 2015 he saw a Zip Zap show in Khayelitsha and was so inspired that he signed up to join D2D. He recently graduated from the Dare2Dream programme and is now a Zip Zap instructor. He rises to the challenge, is responsible and well-respected. Xolani took ownership of the Beginners programme in 2019 when there was a shortage of staff and he excelled at assisting the rest of the team.
He created an amazing act on the scarf for his final year-end evaluation, enjoying much praise from the audience.
Xolani’s confidence has grown in leaps and bounds. He has taken the major step of finding his own accommodation and now manages his own home. He takes great pride in all he has achieved and seizes every opportunity presented.
He also successfully completed an Events Management course during 2019.
“My dream is to look back and connect all the dots and have my own house, car and be self-sustainable.”
– Xolani
Lukhanyo Samson
Lukhanyo was super excited when he was selected to join D2D in 2020. He is a self-trained acrobat and appreciates the supportive environment and team spirit at Zip Zap. Instructors are instrumental in teaching him the correct techniques and they challenge his abilities. He admits that the training is difficult, but is proud that he has adapted and continues to grow and develop.
Luhkanyo’s favourite memory is the “Match in Africa# 6” performance at the Cape Town Stadium where he performed to an audience of 51 945 spectators! This was his first performance and was a “once in a lifetime” opportunity for which he is very grateful.
This young student aspires to become a professional artist, performer, and an influencer. He is also dedicated to helping and supporting his family where he can.
“My wish for the world is that everybody is equal, and people can afford to look after themselves, have a full belly when they go sleep and to have a safe and warm place where they can sleep.”
– Lukhanyo
Masizakhe Kovi
Masizakhe Kovi was introduced to circus arts when he encountered the Ibhongolwethu programme in Khayelitsha in 2015, and he’s been in love with circus ever since! If he had not joined Zip Zap, he would be pursuing further studies and a possible career as a chartered accountant. Masizakhe is a promising contortionist, who also loves doing handstands and acrobatics. His favourite memory is that of performing as part of the Zip Zap showcase at the Match in Africa 6, at Cape Town Stadium, at the invitation of the Roger Federer Foundation. He was lucky enough to share the “stage” with Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal. Masizakhe dreams of being the best male contortionist that Zip Zap has ever had and to be a role model to the other kids.
“My dream is to perform around the world, to go on tours with Zip Zap, and keep on doing what I do best. I also want to be a role model to other kids. I want to inspire them just like I was inspired.”
– Masizakhe
In 2021, Masizakhe was invited to perform in Zip Zap’s production of Journey Returns, in collaboration with The Artscape Theatre and the Cape Town Philharmonic Orchestra.
Rising Stars
Shyleen Chavula
Zappers Programme
Mziyanda Dyakalashe
Isiseko Programme
Aalia Arendse
The Hood Programme
Mbali Mangwana
Simunye Programme
Aalia Arendse
Aalia Arendse is 11 years old, and a Grade 5 learner at Cecil Road primary School in Salt River. She started in The Hood programme in 2023, along with her friend, Rashieda, after having heard about Zip Zap.
Aalia is quite shy and she was anxious about making new friends. She need not have worried: despite not knowing anyone else in the programme, she felt immediately welcomed and was able to engage with kids who were familiar from the neighbourhood but whom she had never spoken to. In this aspect alone she acknowledges that she has already experienced significant changes. Already she counts Salma, Mawaddah, Rashieda and Mischka among her best friends in the programme.
Aalia feels that she is really good at many things, including mini-trampoline, trapeze and aerial scarf. She says she is willing to try new things and push herself because she feels comfortable and safe doing these disciplines.
Aalia recognises that she has grown in confidence, and seeing her friends extending themselves to try new things also inspired her.
Aalia quotes her mom as encouraging her “to be yourself and try your best”. She feels comfortable and confident that she can achieve both of these aims at Zip Zap!
Aalia works hard and enjoys her time at Zip Zap, and she is a team player. She was able to perform in her first Zip Zap Programmes Show & Tell event in November 2023, showing off her talents as part of a group tight-wire act.
Shyleen Chavula
Shyleen was born in Malawi and moved to South Africa to live with her father, Mark. He was a gymnast in his youth and attended one of Zip Zap’s adult classes. Mark was instrumental in introducing Shyleen to Zip Zap.
Shyleen joined the Beginners programme in 2019 and, because of her extraordinary enthusiasm and motivation, she has recently progressed to the Zappers programme. She has a special love and talent for acrobatics and contortion, and really shines out in classes! She was saddened that classes were suspended during the national lockdown due to Covid-19.
Nevertheless, Shyleen has made a special effort to keep practicing and has been an incredible inspiration to others as she continues to send videos and pictures to her peers in the Simunye programme. One day, she wants to travel the world as a performer.
“It is very important to persevere and never give up! We must stay strong, respectful and disciplined. These are qualities I have learned from Zip Zap.”
– Shyleen
Ayanda Nombelwa
It was love at first sight for Ayanda when he saw his first Zip Zap show at the Waterfront in 2009.
He enjoys everything they do at Zip Zap and discovered his passion for mini tramp and the unicycle. His favourite memory was learning to do a double front summersault on the mini trampoline, it was so exciting and felt amazing! The instructors are his role models as they are always helpful with new tricks and encourage him to do better.
Ayanda also shared another of his talents with Zip Zap by doing all the beautiful illustrations in our children’s story book ‘I Can Fly’. All proceeds from our book benefit Zip Zap programmes. Ayanda is now 20 years old and enjoys sewing and fashion design, he has also recently progressed to the Dare2Dream programme.
“There are lots of problems in the world. I would change all the violence and hate to make the world a better place. My personal dream is to perfect the three-man unicycle act so that I can tour the world with my friends.”
– Ayanda
Mziyanda Dyakalashe
Mziyanda Dyakalashe is 11 years old, and a Grade 4 learner at Masiphumelele Primary School, in Khayelitsha. He applied to join the Isiseko programme (previously known as Beginners) in 2023, after having been introduced to Zip Zap by his father’s colleague, and was so happy when he was enrolled in the programme in February 2024. He also likes playing football, and this would have been his pastime if he had not enrolled in the circus programme.
Mziyanda works hard to develop his circus skills, and always pushed himself to deliver his best. He is confident and sociable, and has made good friends while at Zip Zap. He says that juggling is the most difficult activity for him, but is very proud that his favourite discipline is mini-trampolining, which he believes he is best at.
Mziyanda enjoys being at Zip Zap as he is challenged to try new things. He is reassured because he receives help and support from the instructors.
Mziyanda’s best memory while at Zip Zap is seeing a club juggling act performed by a D2D student, and feeling inspired by that. His dream for himself is to perform a mini-tramp act at the Zip Zap Dome, as part of the Programmes Show & Tell event.
Mziyanda has big dreams for himself, and dreams of being a soccer player “royale”!
Mbali Mangwana
Mbali Mangwana is 15 years old, and a Grade 10 learner at De Grendel School of Skills. She started in the Isiseko programme (previously known as Beginners) in 2021 when she was 13 years old. Her mom had noticed her flexibility and encouraged her to enrol at Zip Zap.
Mbali displays potential, and she is committed and disciplined. Her hard works was rewarded when she progressed to the Simunye programme in 2024. She enjoys being at Zip Zap as she is challenged to try new things, and she also has opportunities to share her talents with others. She confesses that handstands are most challenging for her, but confirms her favourite discipline, and the one she is best at, is the trapeze. Her best memory is when her friend watched her performance at the Zip Zap Programmes Show & Tell event. Thus far she has performed in 3 iterations of the Show & Tell events: 2021, 2022 and 2023.
Mbali is excited about progressing through all the youth programmes at Zip Zap and aspires to participate in the Dare2Dream vocational programme, where is determined to learn and grow. She dreams of becoming a professional circus performer.
“Zip Zap is a happy place and it feels like home”.
– Mbali
We rely entirely on donations to change lives. Our students don’t pay for any classes.
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